The Globe and Mail's Report on Business Magazine - Vision Capital CEO Jeffrey Olin
Christie Vuongportrait, portraiture, studio portrait, portrait photographer, toronto portrait photographer, The Globe and Mail, Report on Business Magazine, Vision Capital, CEO, jeffrey olin, real estate fund, magazine editorial
Chowie Wowie Chocolates
Christie VuongChowie Wowie, Edibles, Chocolates, thc, cbd, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, cannabis, canadian canabis, toronto photographer, toronto product phographer, product photography
The Globe and Mail's Report on Business Magazine - Going it Alone
enRoute Magazine - Sarain Fox
The Globe and Mail - The Globe 100
Christie Vuongthe globe and mail, toronto newspaper, Canadian magazine, the globe 100, top 100, top 100 books, top books 2019, clare vander-meersh, still life, toronto photographer, toronto still life photographer, toronto editorial photographer, animation, stop motion
Char San Pedro
enRoute Magazine - Jason Logan
Christie VuongJason Logan, Toronto Ink Company, the colour of ink, air canada, ink maker, ink forager, foraging, photographer, portrait photographer, black and white, black and white photography
Rio di Cannaregio, Venice
Maclean's Magazine - Ramz Aziz
Christie Vuongmacleans magazine, Maclean's, Canadian magazine, toronto photographer, toronto portrait photographer, portrait photographer, portrait, portraiture, toronto financial district, environmental portrait
Dorsoduro, Venice
Christie Vuongitaly, venice, dorsoduro, zatterre, vaporetto, water bus, street photography, street photograoher, travel photography, toronto photographer
Foodism Magazine - Glass Ceylon
Christie Vuongfoodism, foodism magazine, toronto magazine, food magazine, foodie, toronto foodie, toronto chef, toronto restaurant, toronto photographer, suresh doss, jump restaurant, oliver and bonacini, o&b, The Office Pub, United Bakers Dairy Restaurant, Sri lankan chefs
Maclean's Magazine - Salvation Burger
Christie Vuongmacleans magazine, Canadian magazine, toronto photographer, burger, beyond meat, beyond meat burger, plant based, vegan, veganism, hamburger
Massardo Model Management - Spencer Kozachenko
Christie VuongSpencer Kozachenko, Massardo Model Management, male models, toronto photographer, toronto male models, portrait photographer, portraiture, studio portrait, toronto portrait photographer, portrait
Reader's Digest Canada - The Art of Staying Put
Volant Magazine - Cyprian
Foodism Magazine - Three Wiser Women
Christie Vuongfoodism, food magazine, food photography, foodism magazine, food photographer, toronto photographer, toronto restaurant, toronto restaurants, toronto photography, toronto chef, donna dooher, mildred's temple kitchen, tutti matti, alida solomon, joshna maharaj
Report on Business Magazine
Rise Magazine - Mademoiselle
LUCY'S Magazine - Blue Monday
Christie Vuongfashion, fashion photography, fashion shoot, fashion editorial, female models, models, toronto photographer, toronto, toronto female models, toronto fashion photographer, Massardo Model Management, lindura, lucy's magazine, atelier guarin, huntington, nonie
SALYSÉ Magazine - One
Christie VuongDulcedo, fashion photography, fashion shoot, fashion, fashion editorial, portrait, portraiture, portrait photographer, male models, toronto male models